Other cool things that I want to promote but don’t fit elsewhere, so I’m making this list here: #
Audio & Podcasts #
- Brimstone Valley Mall
“The year is 1999. Lurking somewhere between Hot Topic and the food court, five misfit demons from Hell kill time inciting sin in a suburban shopping mall. When the lead singer of their band goes mysteriously missing, the demons only have two weeks to find him before they play the biggest gig of the millennium - or face the wrath of Satan herself.”
- The Magnus Archives
- SCP: Find Us Alive
Videos #
- This video about Anime and the blending of cultures (YouTube) is quite good.
- 🍻, Instantly Age Alcohol - Ultrasonic Treatment (Though Emporium on YouTube)
- 🥚 The Egg - A Short Story (Kurzesaght on YouTube)
- LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (YouTube, MelodySheep) is a neat video with fantastic CGI about potential alien life.
- Wild House Pilot
“A Wolf, a Panther and a Tiger are the friendly roommates of this Wild House. They live in a wicked world with ambiguous moral codes, in which everyone is an idiot and nothing really works”
- The Complete Guide to Magnet Implants (YouTube, The Thought Emporium) is a bit outdated now, but as someone with one in my hand, I clearly found it informative.
- You Are Two (YouTube, CGP Grey) is about people that have had the link between each half the brain split
- Not a video, but see @Foone: You Want to know how bullshit insane our brains are
- Tech Icons: Cliff Stoll (YouTube, AT&T Tech Channel) … I jsut love Cliff Stoll, he’s like the ultimate cute grandpa that’s also obsessed with Klien Bottles.
- 🐜 … 🌎→ Metric Paper (YouTube)
- Robot Sumo Wrestling (YouTube)
Fiction #
- 17776 - 🛰 🏈 📅🌌
- This Furry Visual Novel. is neat, albeit a bit cheesy.
- Killing Hitler (Reddit Writing Prompt Response)
- Voice of the Ilk (Wiktopher.ca)
- I don’t know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility
- A story about Minecraft’s ending story (which itself is beautiful)
Nature #
- Stones on are.na … I just think they’re neat 🥔
- Hey, and while we’re at it, how about growing Moss too.
- Or even Mushrooms in a Bucket.
- Spacebuckets are a thing if you’d like to grow other plants indoors.
“A Space Bucket is a DIY indoor garden that is made by stacking plastic containers alongside lighting (CFL or LED) and airflow (PC or other fans). It is an enclosed growth chamber that can be used to garden many kinds of plants”
“The /r/SpaceBuckets Subreddit is our main forum”
- Similar, but like 100x more high-tech, Encapsulated Environmental System
Tech #
- Durden and Arcan offer a new take on the how we use computers. It’s not production ready, but super weird and interesting.
- The blog of Szymon Kaliski features tons of cool projects involving creative code, art, music, etc.
- Gear Cutting
“The gear template generator program is a program for printing paper templates for cutting out gears”
- This Quiz from AV Husky on weird connectors is fun if you’re into retro tech. - Answers here
- A WiFi-enabled power supply in a AA battery form factor, designed for sex toys
- Cyberdecks for High-Tech Low-Lifes (Tales From The Dork Web) and ARM & x86 Team Up in No Compromise Cyberdeck (Hackaday, Tom Nardi) will open your eyes to what would’ve been if Laptops weren’t the primary form of portable computer.
- Installing Windows and Linux into the same partition (motorailgun, GitHub Gist)
- IoT Hacking and Rickrolling My High School District (WhiteHoodHacker)
- CSC218 - Software Precognance
- The Cursed Computer Iceberg Meme
- Basilisk collection (ⁿᵒᵗ Wikipedia)
- Harder Drive: Hard drives we didn’t want or need (suckerpinch, YouTube)
- Cory Doctorow talks about Big Tech, Crypto, and sci-fi (The New Yorker)
Inspiration #
- “No 0 Days” (Reddit)
- Baz Luhrmann’s “Sunscreen Song” — The 90s’ Most Unlikely Hit, with Avery Trufelman (Switched On Pop)
Music & Synthesis #
- The Geological Phonograph is an interesting idea for a synthesizer.
- Simulating an Entire Car Engine - yes, it makes noise (AngeTheGreat, YouTube)
- Analog Fractals with 1930’s Technology (YouTube)
- Sounds of the Mandelbrot Set
- Pink Trombone - Bare Handed Speech Synthesis
Games #
- A mix between Minesweeper and a Bullethell (tic-80, Artemis Minesweeper)
- Hexagonal Chess (tic-80, HexChess)
While I’m at it, their 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel too.
- A weird asteroids clone (tic-80, Ship’em up)
- I thought I made a hard game and then speedrunners totally destroyed it. Here is what that feels like. (Zukalous, Imgur)
- ‘Free Games’ tag on Rock Paper Shotgun shows off some neat stuff
History #
Maps #
- Historical US Topographic Map explorer or Oilslick Topographic Map
- Authagraph World Map: True Representation Of The Continents And Oceans
- An Orbit Map of the Solar System (Tabletop Whale)
Fandoms & Cultures #
- Finding Community, and Freedom, on the Virtual Dance Floor (The New York Times)
- Jsting-F’s awesome electronic Fursuit
- A Thread from @foone about how cat girls can wear headphones
Misc #
- TEXTREME - a juicy text processor, with a rhythm mode (Itch.io)
- I Spent 11 Years Working on This Line Rider Track by David Lu
- The Night I Met Einstein (Jerome Weidman, Reader’s Digest)
- A Twitter Thread about PayPal blocking all transactions with the word “Tardigrade”
- Letters About Soap
- Operation Mindfuck Vol. 4, a video from rC3 (YouTube)
- The Best Things and Stuff of 2020 (Fogus’ Blog)
- Floor796
uwu, are you looking at my source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9l4EiYFZjg