Chapter 19 - Shaders #
Here for VRChat Stuff?
Cool! VR chat is a really neat platform to work with and it’s really fun to be able to hold or walk around your art. Unfortunately, there’s some added complexity that comes with handling VR, Unity, and even just 3D stuff outright that, all together, takes a hot minute to build up to. That said, there are some particularly good resources for getting started in VR Chat and Unity development that aren’t available for anything else. So, after you’ve gone though the above links, in no particular order, I recommend looking at:
This 5 hour long Intro to Shader Coding in Unity is pretty great→ Replaced by the newer Shader Basics, Blending & Textures • Shaders for Game Devs which is a bit under 4 hours… I watched both.- cnlohr’s Shadertrixx repo
- pema99’s Shader Knowledge repo
I got into shaders for a bit of a backwards goal - I’m into the art, sure, but it’s more that I found the idea of running code on the graphics card cool, and wanted to know how to use the multi-hundred watts of computational horse power in my desktop to my advantage. However, I knew better than to dive head-first into a difficult language like Vulkan (more on that in a bit) and that it would be much easier to get to the point of running complex, not-necessarily-for-graphics code on the GPU if I went through the normal for-art path first.
On top of this, I was also just getting into VR Chat, which lets users submit their own worlds and avtars made in Unity.
This is where some of the confusion begins, as this chapter of The Book of Shaders introduces what shaders are, but sort of glosses over the fact that there are both multiple languages and multiple types of Shaders. The Book uses GLSL, but - epically for games - HLSL is significantly more common. Fortunately, the two are extremely similar. So, porting something written in one to the other is usually not a problem. Of course, there are other option than even these two, but these are probably the two you’ll see the most.
In Unity, you’ll probably be writing your shaders in HLSL, though there’s also another option - not writing code at all! If you’re only really into the artistic side of shaders, you can do most things pretty easily using Unity’s Shader Graph tool (or Amplify Shader Editor should you have to use the “Bulit-in” pipeline, like VRChat uses)
It’s also notable that Graphics Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a big role in all of this too. If you’ve ever seen a game require a graphics card with Direct X 12 (DX12) support, this is because each new version of Direct X exposes different ways for programmers to interact with the graphics card, and this also influences what your shaders can do. You’ll also see some other terms thrown around like Metal for Apple hardware, SPIR-V, and something called a Shader Model version. This quickly goes into reading documentation hell, and starts to defeat the purpose of having the abstractions that higher level shader languages, like HLSL and GLSL, provide us. Unfortunately, shaders are a pain and you will occasionally have to dive into this as you find out your shader doesn’t work correctly on somebody’s system because AMD or Nvidia (The two big GPU vendors) drivers act weird or that somebody want’s to use an older card that doesn’t quite support everything you used, causing things to look weird.
For those that are working in Unity, you should be aware Unity’s shader system has a bunch of confusion. Some of it is brought on by legacy support - For example, a lot of the Unity shader libraries use the term “CG” but that’s not actually used anymore, as now everything in Unity is HLSL. Other bits come from having three different rendering backends, all of which work differently with shaders. Finally Unity also has a special format for .shader
files for something called “ShaderLab” which actually is used along side your HLSL source to make writing complex shaders easier. Yes, it’s confusing.
If you look at tab “4 - Running” here, there’s more information on this.
The Book focuses entirely on Fragment Shaders - the ones that pick what color a given pixel should be. However, there are other kinds. Vertex Shaders allow you to move the vertices of a 3D object to change it’s shape. Geometry and Tessellation shaders allow for interesting performance optimizations (Though are very rarely used by artists), and Compute Shaders allow for using the graphics card to do massively parallel math that would otherwise be impractical to do on the CPU - though with the limitations imposed from using the GPU. Compute Shaders can be written in HLSL, but the concept is applicable more broadly and so there are other, more purpose built languages for the task such as OpenCL and CUDA as well. See the GpGPU section near the bottom of this page for more information.
As you use the web editor, you’ll notice that you have syntax highlighting. That is, the important words appear in different colors. If you want to be able to edit code with this yourself, you may want to use VS Code and grab Shader Languages Support for VS Code.
I also want to note that some of the names used in The Book aren’t totally standard. Most notably, it seems every platform calls their uniforms something else, so if you go to write shaders for Unity or Unreal or something the names won’t be the same - for example, while The Book uses u_time
, Unity’s equivalent would be _Time
and is actually a Float4 as the components of it contain different divisions and multiples of the global time.
This chapter is fine, but I do want to stress a point made in the very first paragraph
“…we need to be able to send some inputs from the CPU to all the threads…”
So while the book goes on to regularly use some of these like u_time
, it’s worth noting that in a different environment you may well want to send in your own uniforms that do something not built in. For example, while Unity has many built in, you may want to add one that simply holds the player’s health amount. This is something you can do! Obviously, the specifics of how to do this vary from engine to engine though, and there is some overhead associated…
… Also, as the name implies, it’s uniform, so every thread does see the same value.
While the book goes into ways to run the code written there elsewhere, I think it misses the mark for most people who are interested in using shaders for game development. If that’s you, you’re probably wanting to write shaders for Unity, Unreal, or Godot. In both cases, you may actually want to start by trying out visual shader programming, espically if you’re not used to code. However, I do recommend coming back to code at some point as the visual editors are usually both limited and generate kinda slow code.
If you’re using Unity, you’ll want to use the built in Shader Graph if you’re using either the Scriptable Render Pipelines (SRP) ( so the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) or .Universal Render Pipeline (URP)) Unfortunately, it doesn’t work with the Built-In render pipeline (yes, it’s confusing) - though you can use the $80 Amplify Shader Editor for Built-In. If you’re doing development for VR chat, this is probably your best bet unless you want to jump right into code - which is fine! You can do it!
If you’re using Unreal [TODO]
If you’re using Godot, good news, you can use its visual shader editor.
If you’re going right for code, having something with a debugger may come in handy. Debuggers for shaders are still rather novel, but Shadered is pretty neat, albeit a bit confusing to use at first.
If you’re developing for Unity and want decent syntax highlighiting, code completion, etc. your options are forking over the better part of a grand for dotUltimate or grabbing ShaderlabVS Pro for $35
While the book tries to instill into you the importance of this chapter, I think it’s still a bit understated. Seriously, read this page three times. Mess around with the functions, and actually get a good feel for all of them.
It also failed to go into some of the trig options. Yes, you have sin()
, cos()
, tan()
, but you also have asin()
, acos()
, atan()
, and depending on the version sinh()
, cosh()
, and tanh()
as well as asinh()
, acosh()
, and atanh()
Because most people don’t know what those look like off the top of their heads, here’s a quick refrence - You can click the colored circles to turn functions on and off.
\(\text{Note, }sin^{-1}()\) is the same as \(asin()\) , \(sinh^{-1}()\) is the same as \(asinh()\)Of particular use is tanh()
as it can be used as a smooth clamping function
There’s also dFdx()
and dFdy()
for derivatives (see documentation). These do what you think if you know calculus, but you can check This Shadertoy Example from HLorenzi if you want to see it in action. These can be quite useful for things like Edge Detection (try the recommendation from jump89 in the comments); However, support for them is hit-or-miss (try this and this to check your system)
If you’re using to make your shaping functions, keep in mind it does lack the derivative functions.
Also, keep in mind everything in the book and that I’ve said so far applied to OpenGL/GLSL. There are other languages, probably most notably for game developers is HLSL. HLSL is quite similar to OpenGL (See GLSL-to-HLSL reference) but along with the sytax differences, also has a slightly different set of functions available. One to point out that may leave you scratching your head: HLSL’s mod is a bit broken. Just use #define glsl_mod(x,y) (((x)-(y)*floor((x)/(y))))
from bgolus in this forum thread
While the RGB and HSB colorspaces mentioned on the color page of The Book of Shaders are nice, It’s worth mentioning that both can be a bit annoying to work with in computer graphics because of non-uniformities in actual, percieved brightness as the hue and saturation are changed. For this reason, we might want to use the relatively recently released Oklab colorspace. Fortunately, the work for converting to and from this color space has been done for us,
- What about Oklab, or something else with better uniformity
- has rgb_to_oklab, and vis-versa
This chapter is probably the first that will have math that makes you go “WTF?”, espically if math with matricies and/or programming are new to you in the first place. While ideally you’d understand the math, it’s not honestly a big deal if you don’t. That said I think this chapter also just sort of fails to explain the rationaile behing rotation. If we look at the rotation matrix:
we have x = x.cosθ-y.sinθ and y = x.sinθ+y.cosθ. Let’s just test some values:
θ | x | y |
2π (360°, full rotation) | 1 | 1 |
3π/2 (270°) | 1 | -1 |
π (180°) | -1 | -1 |
π/2 (90°) | -1 | 1 |
0 (0°, no rotation) | 1 | 1 |
-π/2 (90°) | 1 | -1 |
-π (180°) | -1 | -1 |
-3π/2 (270°) | -1 | 1 |
-2π (360°, Full rotation) | 1 | 1 |
If you think about this, at 0 (no angle of rotation) both are being multpied by 1, so, no change. At either ±π/2 only one of the x or y are being multiplied by -1, a 90° rotation (albeit in oposite directions). At ±π, the shape is being rotated 180° (so, the same either way), then at ±3π/2 were at more than 180°, so we could have gotten there faster by only going π/2 in the other direction that is, 270° = -90° and 90° = -270° (since things repeat at 360°)
I do think the book does a good job of covering scaling; however, keep in mind you can scale x and y independently, so on line 38 of the example code, st = scale( vec2(sin(u_time)+1.0) ) * st;
that vec2
could have different scaling factors for each. Try st = scale( vec2(sin(u_time)+1.0,cos(u_time*.3)+1.0) ) * st;
for example. You’ll see the shape gets scaled differently in x and y over time- it’s not just a simple closer/further from the camera effect.
This chapter does go into YUV colorspace, see tab 6 for more about color.
This chapter is pretty to the point, just a few things to add:
- If you scale rather small and have two things very similar in frequency, it’s quite easy to accidentally wind up with a Moiré pattern (Wikipedia). You may be able to use this to your advantage.
- Patterns don’t have to do the same thing on every tile, you can get really interesting results by doing different things in each division.
Clearly, from reading this chapter, random()
in shaders is going to be deterministic. This, honestly, is pretty helpful more often than not, as it helps avoid the problems of not knowing the value of the pixel next to us- we can just look at the -1
or +1
index as is shown on The Book’s noise page for doing a bit of a blur. Still, you should know the limitations here, as it can lead to very obvious repeating patterns, as you should have noticed if you did the exercises on the page.
There are odd ways around the determinism using uniforms, but regardless, it’s not really a big deal. The bigger problem is that it’s actually just… kinda a bad random? Like, it’s not uniform or normal. This is a big part of why you can easily see the banding in the random function as you scale it. This is especially annoying for compute shaders, as there’s quite a few algorithms that rely on having good, pseudo random numbers. There’s ways around this, but if you need them I believe in your ability to search the web.
Not much to add here, but you might want to look at some of these pages:
Prime Gradiant Noise (Taylor, Sharpe, Peethambaran - PDF)
and, mildly related:
Also, you should know the patent on Simplex noise recent expired, so go nuts if you want to use that.
Down to 190 characters! #つぶやきGLSL
— Xor (@XorDev) March 19, 2022
vec3 p=vec3(t/.1,cos(t+r)),d=r.x/(r.xxy-round(FC.zxy)*2.),a;for(;o.w++<9e2&&snoise3D(a=ceil(p)/28.)+1.>length(a.yz);p+=min(a=fract(-p*sign(d))*abs(d)+1e-4,min(a.y,a.z)).x/d);o.rgb=fwidth(p); backup of tweet + see the Live version
You may want to look at:
While brownian motion is cool, for similar effects you’ll also probably want to dive into fractals.
Beyond The Book #
At the time of writing, The Book of Shaders ends at Chapter 13 - Fractional Brownian Motion. Continuing where the book leaves off, I’d like to round out generative design by talking about fractals and simulation:
Generative #
Fractals #
What’s so special about the Mandelbrot Set? - Numberphile
++ Logistic Map
Fractal Coordinates for Incremental Procedural Content Generation (Peter Mawhorter - PDF)
Simulation #
Cellular Automata & Bit manipulation #
Slime mold #
Fluids #
Textures & Filters #
Aliasing & Dithering #
Feedback #
[TODO] using textures to read old data
Convolution #
3D Graphics #
3D Design has information on 3D modeling, file types, etc. This section is only for the nerdy bits as they relate to shaders
UV Maps #
UV mapping is the 3D modeling process of projecting a 2D image to a 3D model’s surface for texture mapping. The letters “U” and “V” denote the axes of the 2D texture because “X”, “Y”, and “Z” are already used to denote the axes of the 3D object in model space
Want to paint on a 3D object? Well, you need a way to store the color of each pixel in a 2D image and a way to map that 2D image onto the 3D object. So, you’ll need to unwrap the object to have a place to paint on, and then you can color as you please. As for this unwrapping, well, it tends to look what you’d expect:
[TODO] image here
Though some special consideration needs to be made to where the cuts are - these are the places where the 2D texture is cut, but the actual 3D object is continuous - and how dense the pixels are in a given region. If you think about a map projection of the globe, some places always get made to be visually larger or smaller than reality, the larger areas have more pixels to hold texture, while the visually-smaller areas have less.
As far as software is concerned, Substance Painter and Desginer by Adobe are pretty much the standard. Adobe is Adobe though, so you may want to see if either Quixel, Armorpaint, and/or Materialize are good enough for you.
If you’re working in Unity, you might want to grab UVee.
Lighting & Shading #
Making realistic, performant lighting systems is complicated. It’s even arguable that providing this out of the box is one of the biggest selling points of modern, good looking engines like Unreal. However, while difficult, it’s not black magic - There’s even a free online book to learn how to do it.
However, wanting to remaking a Physically Based Rendering (PBR) lighting setup like that from scratch implies that you’re already probably doing some pretty crazy things. So, outside of that there’s really two “sane” ways to do lighting.
The actually-reasonable-to-use method is to use a pretty basic system with a direct, diffused light, ambient light, and specular highlight. Programming this up is relatively straight forward- This 5hr video, Intro to Shader Coding in Unity (Freya Holmer, YouTube) , actually does a really good job of going over this and explaining each step. Coding it live as she goes along.
The other cool-but-to-slow-to-use method is to do ray tracing. This is actually easier than it sounds, though, the performance is typically garbage. This post from Three Eyed Games has a nice walk through of building one in Unity.
Bump and Normal Maps #
Hard vs Soft normals on vertex edges are a thing.
- For hard normals 2 verticies actually get placed at the same place. Extra weird.
Getting Maps #
Usually, you’ll have a normal map from whatever material / texture painting software you used. If you don’t have one and need one, there are options. Awesome Bump, NormalMap-Online, or, if you need some extra-oompf, there’s Shadermap for $30 personal / $50 commercial. As a last resort, you can use a combonation of angled high pass filters / edge dection in Krita and careful, manual shapening, blurring, and erasing to get what you need. It’s tedious, but possible.
Kernel Convolution #
[TODO] Convolutions in image processing (3B1B + MIT + Julia)
Filtering #
Clipspace, Worldspace, …? #
So you’ll often see terms like Clip Space, World Space, Object Space, Screen Space, and View Space thrown around and often as if you magically already know what they mean. This was driving me nuts until I read Coordinate Systems page on, and Coordinate Spaces and Transformations Between Them from codinBlack
As a TL;DR:
Object Space → 3D Coordinates are relative to your model
World Space → 3D Coordinates are global, from the entire world
View Space → 3D Coordinates depend on camera position and rotation (probably the player)
Clip Space → 4D; Messy because of dealing with a “Projection Matrix”, but generally this determines what verticies will be discarded because they’re off screen. This also winds up being a PITA as there’s a difference between the OpenGL and Direct3D standard
Screen Space → 2D coordinate space that actually represents the screen’s pixels. Usually, you won’t have direct control over this.
UV Space → 2D coordinates mapping points in a texture to the object. Weird to think of in terms of “space”, so usually talked about separaetly.
Culling, Z-test #
The Unity Manual Page for culling and depth testing explains things very well. The only thing I want to add here is that you should be aware of a problem called Z-fighting which can happen when two faces of an object are in the same plane. Basically, imagine you have two cubes, both the same size and the same shape but different colors. Which one should your computer try to render? The answer is both, and it will look awful. The easiest fix is to just never have two objects have faces that occupy the same plane.
Vertex Shaders? #
Performance #
In HLSL and Cg a ternary operator will never lead to branching. Instead both possible results are always evaluated and the not used one is being discarded. To quote the HLSL documentation:
Unlike short-circuit evaluation of &&, ||, and ?: in C, HLSL expressions never short-circuit an evaluation because they are vector operations. All sides of the expression are always evaluated.
- Multiple Buffers
- Render Textures
- Feedback
[TODO] text on lighting & physics as shaders in egines, vulkan, etc.
Voxel Engine by John “Lin”
19.1 - 3D Shaders #
[TODO] both on 3D objects and making 3D visualls in a 2D plane
19.2 - GpGPU #
So, we’ve got this extra massively parrallel co-processor just hanging out in our computer, and unless we’re running games or complex 3D programs, it’s probably sitting nearly completely idle. So, how do we put it to use?
Well first of all, we need to know a few things about the GPU:
- There’s a lot of overhead for just using the GPU. You need to detect it, reserve some memory, copy your data to it, process it, and copy it back.
- There’s a lot of different GPUs. Different vendors, models, etc. These will have wildly different capabilities, support different APIs, etc.
Basically, this means you need to both be sure you’re workload will actually benefit. It needs to be parrallizable in the first place, you need to be processing a lot of data to justify the overhead, and you need to know you have a GPU in the system(s) that can actually use it. As a general rule of thumb, if you’re not processing an array/matrix with at least 100,000 items, it’s probably not worth it. For context, assuming each item is a byte, that’s about 100 killobytes.
So, if it’s not enough data or if it’s not a parallizable task, the anser to “how do we put it to use?” is “Don’t.”
If you hadn’t guessed from the mentioning of there being overhead, various platforms, and thresholds for the amount of data before it makes sense: Profiling matters. You will absolutly need to profile your code for this. Generating Flamegraphs (if you can) is particularly helpful.
But, if you’ve got an applicable problem, the sitation is still messy. There’s a whole variety of GPU vendors and APIs in a venn diagram from hell making actually utilizing this stuff a massive pain. So while you could go write openCL or CUDA (or Vulkan, or Halide) code directly, you’ll probably find a bunch of weird edge cases across systems and it’s just generally more of a pain than it’s worth. So, frankly, I’m not even going to look into those languages anymore than to let you know that it’s quite likely the ones we will look into will actually still use their APIs, so, you’ll probably still need their respective compilers/headers/toolchain on your system. Of special note, if you’re using Cuda this probably means the full 11GB-or-so or so install with the nvcc
compiler, which you can grab Here for Windows or Linux (though, if Linux you should try your package manager first).
So, reading that probably just made you go “Oh this is going to be compiler hell, isn’t it?”. Yes. It will be. Espically on Windows. So, is it worth it? Well, just running one of the example programs for the Arrayfire library I got an 88x speedup (though I’m pretty sure this doesn’t count the overhead of initalizing the GPU) when the code was ran on the GPU. So, yes, even if we did have to use OpenCL or Cuda directly, it probably would be.
Fortunately, we dont.
From my digging I’ve found two good options that play nice with a lot of languages and different system configurations: Futhark and Arrayfire. I’ll focus on these two, but you should know there are other options. If you’re into Rust, there’s emu. Nim? check out shady. JS? this library called “GPGPU “ should do the trick. If you use Matlab, it should already be GPU accelerated, at least assuming you have an Nvidia graphics card. For these more specific ones I don’t have experance with these to know if they’re good or bad. All of that said, you can probably make Futhark work damn near anywhere on account of the fact that it spits out C code for using either OpenCL, Cuda, Ptheads, or - failing all else - normal ol’ sequantial processing (just C, no special sauce). So, anywhere you can load C code, Futhark should work too. This is pretty much everywhere, as almost all languages have at least some way to load in a library written in C for speed sake. It also can generate python libraries easily, which is nice too.
So, why do I have two recommendations? Futhark is a programming language, just not a general purpose one. You really only use it to make small, individual functions that utilize the GPU that you then call from another language. Arrayfire, on the other hand, is more of a bucket of functions, your more typical library. If arrayfire happens to have the functions you need - or those you need to compose your program, ranging from basic operations up to a ready to use functions ranging from signal processing to computer vision - then it’s easy to import and pretty much good to go. So, if you know you only really ever grind your wheels on one big operation that accounts for a majority of your programs run time and it’s a commo problem, Arrayfire is worth trying. If you know you’re going to need to do a weird opeartion that isn’t in Arrayfire’s bag of tricks ore you need to have finer control, Futhark probably makes sense.
So, what about Futhark?
Futhark is a weird language, at least to most people. This is because it’s functional. We’ll talk about this more in a few chapters - that’s what the weird looking (((())(()((()(())))))) chapter is. Honestly, you might just want to skip ahead and read it now. Though, as a TL;DR: In functinoal programming, functions are functions in the math-y sense. They don’t store any state, they simply transform input and produce an output. So, while you might want to write
in a normal lanuage, here, you can’t because you’re storing the state of i
internally as it gets incremented. As you can imagine, this means that you have to get rather creative with your code.
So, why is futhark like this? Basically, because the limitations of the language make it so that it can generate very, very well optimized code for you. This should also make sense if you think back to learning about traditional fragment shaders above, as back there we learned that each GPU thread is memoryless anyway. So, this is really a pretty good abstraction with that in mind.
Anyway, the end result is that the code looks weird. For example, here’s some code I wrote which takes in an array of data and strips out set of 2 bits of every byte to put them in a new array of 4 times the length (basically, if we have [0b11001001,0b00110011]
, we want [0b11,0b00,0b10,0b01,0b00,0b11,0b00,0b11]
And while bitshifting is sometimes black magic looking in any language, I fully expect some wide eyes. This does make marginally more sense if you read through the Parallel Programming in Futhark book (at least through Chapter 2) but if you, like me, have no prior experiance with programming like this it will be painful. While I dove straight in I suspect it will be significantly less painful if you first look at a tutorial for Haskell programming, as Futharks syntax and programming style is very similar to it but gentler introductions to Haskell are readily available compared to the assume-you’ve-already-done-functional-programming style of the Futhark book.
The Future of GpGPU #
GPU Accelerated RAID (Linus Tech Tips, YouTube)