24½ - Parts #
When thinking about electronics, it’s easy to focus on the bits that electricity actually flows though. This chapter is for everything else
Part Codes #
Okay, sort of still electrically relevant, but as your peruse your options for parts you’ll see some patterns in how things are named, such as diodes starting with a 1N prefix. If you want to know more about that, these links are decent:
Potentiometers #
including sliders, motorized, dual, linear, exponential, logarithmic, etc.
Knobs, Key-Caps #
Enclosures #
Adhesives #
Adapters #
+ PCB footprint adapters, like SOP to DIP
Wires #
Stranded, enamaled, etc.
Buttons #
Switches #
Encoders #
vs a pot, w/ a button